"Selamat Datang Kepala KUA Kec. Cilograng yang baru dan Selamat Menjalankan Tugas Di Tempat Yang Baru Kepala KUA Kec. Cilograng yang lama !"

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

Rapat Tahunan BAZIS Kec. Cilograng Tahun 2010

Para Peserta Rapat

Para Peserta Rapat

Penghulu, Ketua MUI & Kepala KUA Cilograng

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

To all Staff KUA Kec. Cilograng.
I expressed high appreciation for creativity in building-related information KUA Cilograng District. My advice to Blog KUA photo to be addressed, do not preclude writing face plastered on the website picture. To present the content of the material is quite good about the activities KUA Cilograng District.
Not to forget I congratulate on the achievements KUA Cilograng which became the best in the province of Banten.

Isyaf Syafrudin Abas, SE
live in Jakarta urang Bayah tea

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